Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter Nia Sultana, under the Interscope Records banner, unveils her soulful and introspective EP, “Bigger Dreams”, accompanied by a captivating music video for the track “Proven”, featuring the legendary Rick Ross. Sultana, known for her enchanting musical narratives, introduces listeners to a multifaceted journey through the EP’s ethereal tracks like “In The Morning” and “Ambience”.

“Proven” stands out as a poignant exploration of delicate relationships and the complexities that arise when one partner invests more effort than the other. With its subdued snare beat and soaring synth strings, the song envelops the listener like a gentle breeze. Sultana’s introspective lyrics muse, “You’re only interested until someone steps up, and I start questioning this situation and the effort I’ve put in”. Rick Ross contributes a lyrical touch that paints a vivid picture of the opulent life they might share.

The music video for “Proven” unfolds amidst natural springs and lush flora, amplifying the song’s deeply personal nature. “Bigger Dreams” kicks off with the emotional resonance and boldness of “Proven”, encapsulating the diverse stages of love—from falling in love to falling out of love and everything in between. The EP showcases a spectrum of emotions, from the cheek-blushing ballad “Element” to the self-care anthem “In The Morning” and the uplifting title track. Sultana skillfully navigates vulnerability and exuberance, as evident in the dynamic track “Entirely”.

Nia Sultana gained recognition with her 2019 song “Coconut Water”, a soothing composition praised by platforms like NPR and featured on YouTube’s Escape Tracks. A true Brooklyn artist, Sultana’s music exudes a distinct edge, exploring the beauty within adversity while constructing soothing affirmations with each verse. “Bigger Dreams” stands as a powerful fusion of Quiet Storm soul and poetic songcraft, delivering a much-needed dose of healing R&B to the world. Nia Sultana continues to carve her unique path, leaving an indelible mark on the contemporary R&B landscape.

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