Embarking on a sonic journey that transcends geographic boundaries, electronic producer Rohne, also known as Keenan Branch, hails from the majestic mountains of the Pacific Northwest. His nomadic pursuit of musical inspiration, armed with a laptop, headphones, and a field recorder, comes to fruition in his debut masterpiece, “Meridian”.

“Meridian” is not merely an album; it’s a testament to the symbiotic relationship between Rohne, his artistic vision, and the diverse landscapes he traversed. The culmination of ideas, nurtured in his home studio and cultivated during global sojourns, paints a vivid tapestry of electronic soundscapes. Rohne’s nuanced approach weaves together influences from an array of genres, resulting in an intimate and immersive sonic experience.

As a beacon of Rohne’s creative evolution, the third single from 2021, “Phase”, emerges as a captivating exploration. Analog synths, crystalline bowls, piano textures, and broken rhythms converge in this club-oriented opus. The off-kilter and eclectic mix of sounds serves as Rohne’s departure into uncharted creative territories.

In Rohne’s own words, “Phase” represents a leap into the unknown, a venture guided by intuition and authenticity rather than preconceived notions of musical identity. The track is a sonic testament to the artist’s willingness to relinquish the constraints of expectation, resulting in a piece that stands as a testament to his artistic prowess.

“Phase” is not merely a composition; it’s a revelation—a sonic embodiment of Rohne’s artistic liberation. The track unfolds as a captivating chapter within the larger narrative of “Meridian”, inviting listeners to join Rohne on a mesmerizing expedition through the boundless realms of electronic music. With each layer of sound, Rohne beckons us to shed our preconceptions and embrace the evolving tapestry of his sonic exploration”.

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